My privacy is not your privacy//

Recently we all got a new right. Not an absolute right but then too very fundamental. It's strange that through all these years of independence, we never actually had the right of privacy. I wonder, how we had private life's before that. But anyways, finally the revolution was brought by AADHAR and we got our most important and essential right.
But my question is that do we even truly have the basic right of privacy. Because all you need is to have a different opinion and though we have always had a freedom of expression, just try expressing it and you can just bid goodbye to your beloved friend privacy.
In India we don't have privacy because people just want to poke around always. Be it your aunty or some relative or any xyz. Who gives a damn to your privacy. Just travel in Indian railways and you will see how you privacy can be smashed and that too hard. Well common sense is not common in all, but not having basic ettiquttes and labelling as your privacy really isn't appreciable. News channels totally getting into the heads and noses of victims and just trying to get high TRPS is not hinderence of privacy, it is called bring out the problem. Till when are we going to just live in these shams. Well lot of scams come out but I think this is the biggest scam. Right of privacy being a fundamental right.
What would make out of a right when people don't even get the basic meaning of privacy.
I wonder who would be having the last laugh after a few years in the name of this exclusive right available to us.


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