
It wasn't for #metoo that we started talking. It was because of the courage of this one person who did not keep shut and stood up and screamed and shouted their story of survival. The story of their disappointment. They told the facts that were true. Initially they weren't even beliebed but then too this person did not give up. They again raised their voices and this time a little more voices came out with their story too. It was this person who raised the voice to a decibel that it reached the human souls and ears. This courage is a liquid that is now flowing and reaching everywhere. This is no longer a story of a country but of the world. It is spreading and yes the culprits need to be afraid of it. Because now this has reached the blood and heart of us and now their is no shutting down. This courage is not gender specific because it can happen to anyone. This could be his or her or it or the or anybodys experience. So yes, we need to let it out and not lower it down. We can survive and we will. This is just the beginning of the end. 


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