leaflet 1
We are living in the 21st century. We are modern
and civilized people. Our society is the one with new culture, new thinking and
new outlook. But one thing that just doesn’t seem to be changing or I must say
doesn’t seems to b going away is the desire to dominate. Still in our society
people dominate. They want to exert their power on others. They want to show
the other person that they are the one who can rule you. Trying to tell what is
right and what is wrong. Why can’t they let the other decide what is the truth
and what is lie? Everybody has a point of view and god has given everyone this
much sense that they can decide for themselves. Once is person is an adult,
they should have the right to think for themselves. Sometimes people give the
name care to dominance. Telling someone to do what you want that person to do
and saying that its care is just so selfish on your part. And sorry to say but
this is sheer dominance.
We all are at some point trying to display our dominance.
But why that in all the cases one of the person is is too weak and gullible.
Why do we need to target someone like this? I would specially point on the male
section of the society, who almost believes that they are a superior breed. I
know we live in a patriarchal society and to change this mindset it is going to
take some time. But the people who say they are modern and they believe in
equality of sex; are the major section that exerts their power in different
ways. A male always wants to dominate the female. And this can be seen in our
daily life even today. A simple example of this would be a boy and a girl
dating. The boy always wants to dominate by telling what should the girl do,
what should she wear, give all her details to him, with whom she is going, what
all she has done, to whom they talk. Like if the girl talks to any guy, tries
to be a bit friendly the boy gets annoyed and the next would be an endless
advice and at the end it would be said baby I care for you!!! Hello, she is not
a baby, she knows what to do. How can you govern her? Why should she be
answerable? And if the same things the girl does, you are too possessive baby.
Like what do you want in this time, a girl or a puppet? At one point you want
the girl to be independent, head strong and totally modern with even modern
outlook. But you just can’t tolerate her opinion. How can males be such
hypocrites? They just want to rule but they want to preach about equality!!!
It’s a pain seeing all this even today. I may be sounding a
bit biased but this is the reality. There may be some cases where males are
supportive and advocate equality with a pure intention. But this society is
made more of hypocrites.
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