The What

What is this world. Theoretically speaking it's a round earth with water and land proportions rotating and revolving with living and non living creatures residing over it. There are different layers of Earth also but we don't want to go in that. This is not scientific article. It's more of a dreamy write up. Yes. This whole blog of mine talks about the hearty stuff with a tag of reality check attached to it.
When I started it up, it was more of me being lost and finding my way through words. Trying to get my clarity but then I think I found it and got lost in that. Living a sorted life is difficult for us humans. Initially we are looking for it and then we get all tangled up in that also. After a bit of sorted we have to create a mess or something it's more like we don't see the mess as it is disguised in sortedness. Anyone's, I got in the trap and here I am again writing about it. Well now I know it's a loop. In today's words if I put it, boomerang. It comes back. The mess.
I created one a few months back and went through all the hardship of sorting it out. It felt it won't be straightened and it will swallow me in it. Future without it seemed impossible.
But a few days back I somewhat realised that I have overcome and got out of that hole of mess. I got a better vision of what I am, what I want and more what's. It was a journey but it made me realize that in this lifetime we will take such endless journeys again and again so better to explore and enjoy that journey rather than thinking we will never survive. We all survive and it all passes out. All we need is the faith that it will be alright. 
Anyways, this article is also a messed up writing I suppose because I think mess is also peaceful. Chaos can bring the best out of us at times. 
So in all this mess what I found out was that I don't need to know all the what's. I can find out with time or maybe I won't, but who cares, are these what's more important or life. And life is better without worrying about these what's. They will always be walking with us, it is us who have to choose if we want to walk with them or not. So forget your what's and just for once Walk in the world. A world of you and your energy and vibes. It's more beautiful and enchanting. So that is it, if you feel this helped you then good and if it didn't then you are messed as is this write up. 


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