gone through the wind

Life teaches us. We all have heard this and almost all of us must have experienced it also. We all go through different phases in our life which show us the flaws of this beautiful journey and even take us through the fragrance of its joy. As we say every coin has two sides and so does life.

When I used to live with my parents in my hometown I could always feel an imaginary shield around me. It used to be made of their love, care, affection and protection. They always inspired me to fly high and catch my dreams. They told me that my life has no restrictions and I could be what I want to be, achieve what I want to; they always said that I am the ruler of my life and I can make it what so ever I want it to be. And all this seemed so easy with them always being around to solve all my problems, miseries and pain. Even after being a single child I was never jealous of my friends having siblings because I knew that what I had they could never had; the immense trust and support and unconditional love of my parents.

But as we say life moves on, so do us. This cocoon had to broken and I had to face the reality of this world. I moved out of my home for studies. Living in a country like India is not such an easy task, and that too moving to the metro city and the capital; never a cold cup of tea. It’s full of complexities; entangled to the core. You must be thinking so what people move out always eventually. But for a girl who has always been surrounded by a firewall it is like a moon walk.

Life suddenly took a 360 degree turn. It seemed very hard to move away, it was emotionally and full of tears. Even though people were around but this I want my home feeling just didn’t drift away. Every time coming back from home was so painful and tough. But I never came to know and suddenly leaving for home became tough. Everything changed. Experiences took a huge huge huge place in my very small life. The simple road became full of turns and twists. Relations came and went and stayed.

People earlier seemed very simple but now they are so much more crooked. They are dual or I should say that “dude double standards do exist”. What I learned is that you should not be “judgmental” but yeah please don’t even be “sentimental” in judging people. It’s a world of devils and angels and you don’t always encounter angels. What they show is not what they are and by this I don’t mean that they are all goody goody and nice and sugar coated in front of you and behind you ready to stab at the first chance. There is more to this. People cannot depict double standards just in this way; they have many more magical tricks to deceive your heart, mind and soul. They can do it by their hideous intentions and fake care and love or may be by their unseen mentality and thinking which is an unreleased film for you or their censored behavior or by their never imagined conduct and the illogical and unreasonable logic. Who are the people with whom you meet, talk and befriend; you can never know. The betrayal of these kind of people somewhat made me realized that life is seriously not a bed of roses; it’s not even a road full of thorns, It’s a mixture of all, it just depends on us, which side do we see in a person or which side do we go through the most.

 Today, after spending quite some years alone I have experienced some part of thorns and also walked the garden of roses. With this little firsthand encounter I can just say that life is very fast, it keeps on moving like a superfast train, in this train of ours many passengers came and go; out of which some may litter, vanish and leave a heap of dirt to be cleaned by you but this is not it. There are others also who stay till the end and always help us to ride this train smoothly without any bumpers and breaks to reach our ultimate destination.


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