The never ending saga
F.R.I.E.N.D.S- I suppose no more introduction needs to be given as to what I am going to pen down. Each one of us have seen this , felt it emotionally , laughed and smiled over it and cried when we watched the last episode of the last season. Not only this we have learnt some of the best lessons of our life through this marvelous sitcom friends.
This show redefined friendship for everyone. It taught us that it’s not just about hanging out and chilling together; it’s about emotional connect, knowing that the friend is there to support you in all your decisions, it’s about loving you even for your weirdness, not making fun of your ignorance, not secluding you for being geeky or even freaky. It’s about you being you.
The show was not just about friendship, it talked about the realities and practicalities of life. All the characters in this show were very much us. In the very first season when Rachael comes to live with Monica and finds it difficult as she has always been living in the cocoon of her father, this one line of Monica, “Welcome to the real world. It sucks. You’re gonna love it!” says it all. It’s supportive and tells that whatever it may be we are there and it does let us know that whatever may be the situation we can always find the path. It taught us to be together even in the worst of times and to hug and cry out loud in the times of happiness. It said, be silly, crazy, stupid and do blunder and even be sarcastic. How can one not love chandler for being so. “WHOOOPAH!” or “I’m not so good with the advice. Can I interest you in a sarcastic comment?” Every episode of each and every season just made you fall in love and desire for life, full of such friends, even a friend as freaky as Monica. Oh that urge of hers to be perfect; one bad review and she is on to show that she is the best chef. By the way her dishes looked awesome on the show; especially the turkey which I suppose only Joey Tribiani can finish and afterwards even shed a few “meat sweats”. The cleanliness drive inside Monica’s soul, like, she washed dirty cars even when she didn’t owe one. But obviously she had that dirty unmanageable closet too. But that’s just not all that the show had. It’s had the geeky paleontologist Ross and a totally birdbrain Joey or I must say Dr. Drake Remoory. From Ross we learnt not to marry a lesbian, not to say wrong name at your wedding and not to be drunk and marry in Vegas. Well that’s just a list of mistakes of Ross but what we actually learn from him is to love, to feel that emotion and follow your heart and obviously don’t feel shy to be a super geeky person and passionate for everything weather love or dinosaurs. And yeah how can we forget “pivot”. Well if u talk about Ross then your mind just can’t ignore Rachael; the love of his life. She is totally into herself, a daddy’s girl who comes into the big city to make her own living by running from her wedding. She is bitchy, loves fashion, loves Ross, has an on and off relationship with him and has his child and eventually plans to move to Paris. But as we all know SHE GOT OFF THE PLANE!!!! And talking of Rachel and Ross how I can not mention the epic, “We were on a break!” But as I mentioned earlier that friends has so many elements so its obvio that it has more to it. And yes it does have. It has the weirdest of all Phoebe Bufffay or ‘Princess Consuela Banana Hammock’. How can someone change their name to this? But yeah this is phoebe we are talking about. She is weird, psychic, totally out of her mind; she is a crazy woman who can make u really really feel guilty if you cancel on her. But within her heart is the pond of sweetness and love. She gives birth to her brothers triplets (not in that sense please), doesn’t eat meat because it’s killing animals, is there for all her friends at all time. And the biggest she sings “smelly cat smelly cat what are they feeding you”. And now you must be thinking when this come will. But the best has to be saved for last-Joey Tribianni. And if we are talking Joey “how you doin?” this line can seriously get women to one and only Joey. If I need to say anything for Joey than it is to be “what’s not to like, jam good, custard good, meat good” A true friend with the heart and even brain of a child. He can fight for you if someone tries to buy your baby, find a mike for you, hide his feelings because you love that girl and cry like a baby when you leave the flat and shift. For Joey it’s giving and receiving and sharing and giving and receiving. What else do you need in a friend? He’ll be there for you..
When we watch this show we try to connect with it and we succeed also. In all our friend circle we have an innocent Joey, a freak Monica, a self obsessed Rachael, a weirdo phoebe, a jolly sarcastic Chandler (oh I forget, he was Mr. Bing and when he married our crazy freaky Monica they became Mrs. And Mr. Bing) and the into books and academics Ross. And obviously the journey of watching friends that too if you have watched it with your friends and laughed in every seen again and again even while watching the reruns hundreds of time with the smoky coffee by your side then dude, you have had it served in the best possible manner. And the endless discussions that follow after it, they are the cherry on the cake. Every action of yours you relate to friends. The most awesome experience is the journey of watching the seasons. When you smile with them, cry with them, laugh with them and shout with them.
Well I am lucky to have my own Monica, a total freak with whom I have watched this while sipping coffee and laughing at all discussions and even shedding tears when they leave the apartment with the keys on the table. I seriously miss those awesome days sometimes. I actually also have a Joey who is childish yet there for you with whom I have had endless discussions. And yeah for him I would say it’s all about giving and sharing and receiving.
We all have our sets of friends but we all also have a bit of Joey, Ross Monica, Chandler, Phoebe and Rachael in us. We just need to nourish it.
For F.R.I.E.N.D.S always and always “I’LL BE THERE FOR YOU”
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