Unimportant Variables

We are no longer living in the old world. With time everything has changed, evolved. This may have been for good or worse. But again this good or worse can be generalized. For some the gone times were the good times. The times when we didn't have to rush and hustle. The time of no phones or laptops or internet and this in a way a time less complicated. On the other hand today is one of the best times in which we live, where everything is a click away. Everything is accessible from everywhere. It's the era where distance has been reduced between people. There are no boundaries and sky is the limit.
But wasn't sky a limit always. In those times this technology or whatever advanced luxury we have was developed. They gave us this life. Then how is it complicated. Its life. It's a life with all luxuries and comfort. Then what is the problem. Why are people yet so unhappy and distant?
Well our forefathers gave us the advancement but we did not got an advancement in our emotions and feelings. Our intelligence may have reached way beyond but still our emotions are the same. We have the same need for being appreciated, loved, respected and cared and all these intangible needs of ours. They had them too and then too they gave us something more and yet survived better then us. They had a balanced and happy life and all we have is everything and then too we are tumbling. 
They key to this happy life is nothing but simplicity. We don't need to twist it always. We don't need to always take everything on this and keep racing. All we have to do is go for our road. The road we feel is correct and forget about every other variable. We live in a society that talks so if we keep looking at that we will never achieve a happy life. We often here that everything has a time and that is a reason people race and they want to achieve everything in that period. It's the age of millennials so yeah time has become such a factor. But hey just because one click can get you anything it doesn't means that the same goes for life. Everyone takes their time to climb the mountain. What matters is that we enjoy that journey and once we reach don't feel tired. Because even The view from top is worth enjoying. So we don't need to get lost in this web of other factors. 
To lead a better life all we need to do is work, enjoy the work in process and then relish the end product. One thing wrong in any step and you will miss a chance to have a better next step. 


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