The truth of dark hole

The turmoil we face inside. The time when we feel emotionally exhausted and drenched. Everything that has ever happened or you have ever done whether right or wrong seems to be all wrong. At this moment you just take decisions which come to your mind. You feel you are alone and just complicated. Things are misplaced outside and even inside. People around you support you, they are with you but you just can’t find yourself; you feel so lost. All ways seem to have a dead-end. What is going inside is so complicated that even simplicity is afraid to be around. Sometimes you feel normal but there is a sense of abnormality inside you. It feels as if every part of your body has been teared apart and what you are left with is pain and hurt and tears. It is uncontrollable; it feels fatal and just can’t be healed. You can’t say and neither can you hide. You are naked and deep inside you are no more present. It becomes hard and harder day by day to be what you are. You keep trying and finding but actually you are just getting pulled by the black hole that has been created inside. There is pull that is attracting you to the darker   side.
But I want to clarify here that there is no such pull. There is no dark side. We are a part of universe, yet living in earth and not space. We won’t be pulled in that dark hole. And if such thing is going to happen then it will be to the whole earth and not just you. So let me get it clear you are not going to alone to get into that pull. So leave your imagination, come out and see the stars, that are always shining and don’t get intimated by the sun, there dark hole. Every day they face him and again shine. I guess they are aware that the sun won’t be able to burn them. So all you need is to take a deep breath and say that it is just a phase. Everybody has their moments of dark holes; it’s how everyone handles it that matters.
You may hear about committing suicide, that’s how they handled it. Well we don’t know what they went to that such a decision was made but we won’t even know because they themselves shut their voice. What will be left is assumption and a series of pain to be cherished by someone else. All that they leave is scars and unanswered questions. So yeah that should really not even be your last resort. We have been fighting for our voices since long and now that we have that liberty, we find an option to end it by dying. Such a waste of the cause and waste of the intelligence of the makers of this right.
You must have heard of the Artificial Intelligence and how some people think of it as a threat to the human race. Well this scare has also been created by the humans only let me remind you. What I am trying to say here is that, it’s all in the mind. Our mind is the artificial intelligence that destroys us most of the time. We sulk rather than saying it loud or trying to get a hard solution because it is all our head saying that it’s the best option. But you can do better than that. You can control the mind like we can control the Artificial intelligence by better programming maybe in time. So you are the master of yourself, you need to not only understand that but even respect that. So live up to this. Open up and talk it out. It’s your right and no such stupid dark hole should be able to curb it away for you. We can live little by little everyday and that would make up our life.

As for dark holes and dark sides, don’t worry we will all sulk in it together. 


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