Sanctom Sanctorum

The life is too fast these days. we all are running in this rat race, trying to find out our way through this trap. Well everyday is a new trap.that is life, it lays a new bait everyday and tries to trap us. How smart one may be but then too we eventually fall for the bait. and i can definitely tell that at times the bait isn't even worth. And the real chaos starts then. The play of our little tacky too smart ass brain. so how can we find the peace in this chaotic circumstance called life.
The answer is SANCTOM SANCTORUM. i am really not talking about the literal holy place. but we all do have a holy place of ours hidden inside us;  the inviolably private place. it can be any memory, any place, any moment or any feeling that has been deeply embarked by us. there can be many such instances. we can travel through it, find a way of our own in it. at times we may not know ofit at all but it is there. all you need to do is close your eyes and just think and it creates itself like painting of Picaso. Benefit of finding yours is that you can hold on to it yet let it go. 


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