Special first v. Moments

We all have our firsts; the first salary, the first small achievement, the first kiss, the first love, the first time we had sex, the first time we did something we never thought we could, the first car we own or the first or the first own expense vacation or the many more endless firsts.
The time may pass and we may grow and change but we always remember these firsts. Because whatever happens next is always that follows this first. I remember someone telling me when I was a child that one always remembers the winners. I suppose true because the winner is first. Rest just follow.
These first things always have a special place in our hearts and memories. We may or may not cherish them but they are embedded deep down in our heart. Just dig a little and here you found it. They bring so much nostalgia with them for free.
But they even take us back to the journey from that first to this present. They make us realise that at the end we have become stronger, happier and better.
But all this even makes me wonder that isn't it the moment that matters or the firsts. Every moment that we experience is in a way the first in that moment. We feel them in different situations, circumstances or with different people. Then why is the firsts that always have a deep impression and not the moment.
We say live in the moment then too, the first time of everything is forever chained inside our souls.
Aren't moments the one that even make this first a special moment? And what about next time again having the same moment but not the first time, doesn't that moment have place in our hearts?
Confusing isn't it?
But worth giving a thought.
Moment or the first


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