An Encounter With Realisation
Recently I heard a dialouge, which I suppose I have heard before also, but never felt it or understood it. We always complaint about the life getting complicated day by day. But we never see that even we get complicated day by day, we grow everyday, change everyday, experience something everyday. Our perspective changes, impressions get ersssed or imprinted once again. We all move and move and then too blame the complications that are meant to happen.
The dialouge that I encountered was just the perfect reply to all this and end of the blame game. "When we are young, we somewhere know that we have another chance and we do risk out to take decisions, but when we grow up we realise that now we don't have so many chances and we take decisions, the right one".
So yeah we need to stop blaming the life and saying that it's so complicated. We need to see that it's we who have made simple life process of growing so complicated.
The dialouge that I encountered was just the perfect reply to all this and end of the blame game. "When we are young, we somewhere know that we have another chance and we do risk out to take decisions, but when we grow up we realise that now we don't have so many chances and we take decisions, the right one".
So yeah we need to stop blaming the life and saying that it's so complicated. We need to see that it's we who have made simple life process of growing so complicated.
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