Story of my feminism

I am not a  feminist who wants equality of work and pay between male and female. I am not the feminist who wants to be caste in the league of ladies hating males and their hipocracy. I don't want to a feminist who keeps on shouting for advantages for females everywhere whether it be unreasonable. I don't want to be caste into this mould of feminism which means getting that kind of freedom which makes my behaviour highly irresponsible. I don't want to promote westernisation in the name of feminism.
What I want is my voice. I want to be heard with the equal respect as a man. I want to be listened and be the women whose opinion matters. I don't want to force my intellect and ideology on anyone but be recognised as an individual who believes in those. I want the respect a man gets for his choices. I want the criticism for what an irresponsible man gets. I don't want to be know by what I wear or what I look. I want to be looked like a person and not object just for some decoration in the life of a man. What I need and want is respect. And this is feminism for me. Getting the respect a man gets for all his choices, decisions and opinions.


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