The incident of change

There are times in life when we feel that we have had enough,
There are times when we have gone through the same situation so many times that we feel frustrated.
This is the time when we start thinking and making assumptions.
We analyse ever single thing that has happened,
Ever single incident that took place,
We think about ever conversation made.
We think and think and reach a level of over thinking.
We start believing in what our over thinking wants us to believe.
We feel the distance and empty space.
We start believing in our illusionary world created by our over thinking
But then one day something happens
It can be a simple conversation,
Or an extreme or mediocre situation,
It can be a very irrelevant or a very significant incident,
It can be anything from being as tiny as the sand or as big as an ostrich's egg,
It can be just a reflection or it can be a shadow.
It can be anything,
But this anything, changes everything and every single thing around us.
Suddenly all those hours of over thinking do not matter anymore, they become insignificant other.
The illusionary world of our so called believes is disrupted,
It's destroyed by a volcano or shaken away by the earthquake.
But actually it's just called letting go away and living on.
I won't say it moving on because all those things are still there but now we are able to see it crystal clear.
Before that we were residing on the volcano of the emotions and feeling and expectations.
But that one simple incident or anything just let it all go.
We become we and come to know that the solution is not in becoming an explosive material but is being a silent peaceful silent and flowing river.
And from that day though complications are still there but we know that it will pass away and go and so will.
We are the aisle of the beach which is swept away by the wave but that doesn't make the aisle overthink.
It always is ready to be swept away because it doesn't over think and over analyse.


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