Bonds Forever

They met, they talked
They cried out their lives
They made each others worries fly
They were knew about time when they had each other.
They never knew that they were making a world for each other..
Living an imperfect life,
Going through a troubled day,
Midnight was what made their next day seem so much bright.
They could not meet and have a cup of coffee together.
But still they had drank the tears of each others emotion,
What they shared was much more and could never be defined.
They weren't similar, had their own perception and perspective.
But they even had the understanding.
They shared this universe and even their precious time.
They always had a distance of place and their own life 
But all this never bothered their bond which was for eternity and beyond this life.
They may have never been able to meet, but what met were their souls.
It had met and wandered all the unknown places, 
explored the reasons and logics unknown and unfound.
It had travelled the mountains of dreams,
Mourned the battles of tragedy,
Walked through the streets never seen
Sat near the waters of peace 
Danced through the music of silence 
And sing to the songs of stories of world destroyed.
This was their world and their time and space.
They didn't need to see, touch and feel each other
What they wanted was only the aura of care and tenderness for each other.


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