date night

A night full of stars,
A night with full moon and the brimming sea,
A night as bright as the sunlight,
A night just with you and me,
A night when you look like a rose,
Dressed in Black,
Sparkling like a diamond
With the ever shinning smile
A night when you are all mine
The whispher of voice, 
The dancing of eyes.
The playfulness , the touch, the smoothness;
In which we glide
The clinging of toast, the meeting of minds
The heart racing fast, and skipping the beat every time.
A night to redefine the relation still undefined,
A night to become one soul forever for life.
A night to awaken the senses, the feelings and emotions,
A night to kiss and letting flow the fire of passion and love residing inside.
A night to unite, because what future has is still under the curtain of life.
This is the date night.


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