be the best of you

There are lots of things that surround us. There are lots of them, those, these, we, ours and many more. But one thing that we all forget is ‘I’: the one thing that defines us and the thing that makes us. That makes us a part of all the thems, those and these. There are lots of things that keep on happening and they will happen, they are meant to happen but just surrendering away to those things is not right. We should be like the boat which fights all the tides that are against it and reaches the shore. In all these things we should not forget the ‘I’. When we came or when we grew it was never easy, we had to work hard but that time the only difference was that the things for which we were fighting were of very petty but great value and importance to us. Even now we should think in the same way. We should not make all the things so big that we forget the value of ‘I’ and just start floating in the illusion. We were always grounded in our earlier wars, we did not need the drama and hype or it was not for our ego. It was for the ‘I’; it was to define us and make us. That’s what we need to do even now. In all our dreams and hopes we should remember that nothing is bigger than us and whatever may be the odds we will just be calm and move ahead even if there are thousands of walls that we have to break even if they are made of ambuja cement.  Losing oneself to all these and those is not the right thing. We all are unique and we should know that understand that. Be important to yourself and the “those and these “ will follow you. 


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