son to father
Dear father
I should have written this letter long before, but could not
find the time like you always found when I was a little child. I know you were
always there to support me for my right and correct me for my wrong. When I was
a child you were there to hold my hand and walk me through the storms and protect me as I was not so strong and naïve. You sculpted me
to the perfect statute with best of all manners, etiquettes and the best of
modesty and humbleness and purity that was to take me to the summit of my life.
When I grew up and new phases of life knocked my door you were always standing
beside to support me and not letting me fall. I rebelled to get my way and
fulfill my dreams and aspirations. I was rude and at times to loud, but then
too your face never showed a sign of wrath. You never let me feel my failure,
never let me feel down. You just said, “follow your dreams son, I know you reach
the greatest of heights, shine in the universe bright as the sun and make
yourself proud.” My success was your crown. I always felt thankful to have you but never
mentioned my gratitude aloud. I wanted to give you your crown embedded with
diamonds and intricate in design so that more than my shine your pride
outshined. There were moments of failure when situations didn’t seem perfect in
life. There was hopelessness, my heart was sulking, and the way was not clear
and defined. My dreams, my passion all had shattered; broken into small pieces
not to be found. But you were there to give your hand and make me sail against
the tide. I still remember the words you said that made me the king of my life;
“son never feel disheartened, because this is the biggest failure. Throwing off
your spirits and giving up can never make you rise. When everything seems
impossible give yourself a chance to fight. You may not have succeeded right
now but the option to rise has not vanished from your side. I am by you always,
I have the trust and faith in you that with this dedication and hard work, you
reach the final destination of your dream life.” These are the lines which made
me into a person that does not give up on struggle of life. I thank you for
giving me that one opportunity and understanding my dreams, my aspirations and
not let me cripple for rest of my lifetime.
Your son
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