
Sometimes the words are not sufficient,
Sometimes the feelings are not that efficient,
Sometimes the emotions are too overflowing,
Sometimes the heart aches terribly,
Sometimes the suffering is incoherent,
Sometimes there is turbulence,
Sometimes it’s just fine,
Sometimes it’s just whine,
Sometimes it’s all colorful and bright,
Sometimes it’s just a dark night,
Sometimes its tears,
Sometimes its fears,
Sometimes it’s laughter
Sometimes its whisper,
Sometimes its anger,
Sometimes its peace
Sometimes its ease,
Sometimes it’s a wish,
Sometimes its anguish,
Sometimes a blissful dream,
Sometimes devils scream,
Sometimes time doesn’t heal,
Sometimes the lips are sealed,
Sometimes we hide,
Sometimes secrets reveal,
Sometimes its love,
Sometimes its lust,
Sometimes we are broken into pieces,
Sometimes the crush is needed,
Sometimes its realization,
Sometimes desperation,
Sometimes its wind,
Sometimes it’s chocking,
Sometimes its life,
Sometimes the end,
Sometimes its heaven,
Sometimes it’s hell,
Sometimes we are present,
Sometimes invisible is what matters,
Sometimes it’s confusing,
Sometimes its breath taking,
The sometimes are endless,
But with hope around adverse times are less.


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