Today is the day I saw
Today is the day when
she enchanted my heart,
And tore my soul
The voice of honey
that made the sounds of thousands chimes,
The voluminous eyes
that shine to make diamonds blind
That bewitching smile
that makes the heart beat race ahead of time.
Touching her is like
feeling a feather, softness that cannot hide.
Today is the day when
she stole my heart, body soul and mind.
The way she united
with me took my breath away,
Her every touch, her
every move made my impulse stop for a while.
Feeling the breath of
hers in my, the sweetness of jasmine filling the space between us.
The touch creating a
sensation just so chilling to make me shiver for a while,
The current that
flowed from her to me
The passion of her love
slowing filling the veins of mine
The heat of our love
surrounding the whole ambiance
Her sugar lips concealing
to mine,
Her aura subduing the
anger and pain in me,
The connect of our
soul that could not be defied and defined.
Being with her is
like an awakening of all the senses,
Feeling the air,
listening to the sound, flowing in the trance world.
With her the world is
still and solace is found.
Being with her seems
to make things sound.
But today she is not
to be found,
Memory takes ages to
Because the passion
of her love is still embedded in my heart and mind,
She may have not been
able to unite with me, but she took my soul with her
Leaving me to ache in
this lonely planet; I despise her
Still today was a day
when I found her
But today she just
remains a dream of past life that still at times, hounds.
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