Life is a blank paper, which can be filled with ample
colors, images, chapters, writings and anything that we want; A very motivating
statement indeed. Makes a person feel that you have it all it’s just that you
need to give a try, take chances and not be afraid to create it on your own
terms. But is it totally true; are we free to do so? Are all our wishes and
dreams and aspirations to be true? Do we have the full independence to write
our own life?
These questions always walk with me. Writing a life for
yourself is not so easy. It’s very difficult because we have situations,
pressures, responsibilities and hundreds of things to think about. Every step
needs to be thought like thousand times with rerunning the consequences. One wrong
decision and the blame turn on you. Where is it written that in the page of
life we can’t make mistakes? I know correcting them can take a tedious task and
sometimes impossible, but why does it matter? Won’t it be a learning experience
of our life? Will it not add up to our experience? Some may say irrevocable decisions
can add to the suffering, pain and hurt, but does this mean that don’t take
risk? When we have to fill the blank then why is it has to be perfect? When we
were told to write our life we were never said to be perfectionist. We were to
be human. Just because of a mere possibility of regret should we not make an attempt?
Maybe this is our chance or the life changing experience. Why do we need to be right
and why are we always going to be wrong? When a person takes a step forward why
should we think that it’s the step towards something illicit? Why can’t it be
towards the ray of hope and a kingdom of fortunes?
If our decisions are always going to be wrong then maybe
this line of writing your own life should be removed. Why should an illusion be
created? Why should people hallucinate about a life when it’s the external
forces that will rule your life?
I still search for
these answers but everyone has their own version, their own experience as the
answer. But I want these answers from my expeditions in life. I don’t want to
be perfect or the correct person. I want to take risk, be wrong and become
right from my fall, if this means something fatal, I will take that pain and
suffering in stride. But I can’t be made of someone else’s chapters of life. Let
me publish a book of my own.
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