perfection or satisfaction
“Work towards perfection”
A line we all have heard and keep on hearing. I suppose it’s
one of the favorite lines of the people who give all these motivational talks
or are into writing about motivation. Well, I have no intention in doing so. Instead
I would like to question these people that what is perfection? What do they mean
when they talk about being perfect? Is the combination of beauty with brains? Or
a person who can fulfill all his dreams and aspirations and attains his entire
goals perfect? Or would you say a perfectly blissfully happy man perfect?
Well I don’t know which of the above options would cater to
their definition of perfect but according to me, perfection is nothing. How can
we define perfection for someone or how can we judge that the other is perfect
or not. I don’t say that there can’t be perfection, but perfection at times is
just an illusion. Some may say a man having all the materialistic comforts and
luxuries is living a perfect life but maybe that’s not a life he wants, maybe
he dream of ideal life is different from this. Maybe relationships and emotion
like feelings is what he values. Maybe he is as lonely as Pluto. So how you can
by seeing is lifestyle judge about his perfect life. Sometimes our own life is
so imperfect that we find every other thing perfect. Our own complexities and
insecurity lead to imperfection. Even if our life becomes perfect we always
remain trapped in that phase of imperfection in our mind. We judge things
accordingly. So would you say a person suffering in his own mind even after
having the qualifying the perfect life criteria perfect.
Perfect life or being perfect doesn't lead to happiness. if I
had to give a pep talk I would say that follow this- “ work towards
If you want to lead a happy, prosperous and peaceful life,
than be satisfied. Because if you are satisfied than you are automatically upgraded
to perfection. Let me explain.
once there were two men living in the city. Both
were average earning people. Out of the two, one of them was never satisfied with
his earnings. He wanted a more glittering life, more wealth. And the other was
always happy with what he got for all his hard work. Then one day the
unsatisfied man won a jackpot. He was very happy that finally he could live the
life he wanted, his perfect life. But this is when the trouble started, he
started worrying that what will he do of so much money, if he gets fooled by
others or someone robs him of his money by fraud or cheating. His mental peace
was suddenly lost. His perfect life was suddenly ruined and has become a misery
of mind. And on the other hand the satisfied person was still blissfully happy
and enjoying with what he had.
So what do you get from this story. Perfection is nothing. A perfect
looking life may just be a myth. And we all should know there are no free
lunches. Everything comes with a conditional apply tag. But we can still make
through all this if we are satisfied and happy. Being satisfied doesn't mean
that you should abandon your dreams; it simply means work towards it and be satisfied
with the result. Because everything looking perfect is not so perfect always. Even
the pretty rose has thrones with it.
And now I leave on you to decide is it perfection or satisfaction that we need.
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