It was always you and me,
Trying to make us.
There were fights and arguments,
But then too, the days were bright.
There seemed to be an understanding,
A state of peaceful heart and
There were discussions, perspectives,
But then to harmony would always
Dreams used to flow, passion used
to ride high,
The chattering was there, eyes
always glittering with smiles,
The ambience full of laughter and
desires to be one forever and never be apart even for a small time,
All of this was the perfect
recipe of our blissful life.
Lost in ourselves, trying to
mould in one shell,
Differences and conflicts were
always kept inside.
But then came the outburst,
Things that made us were just a delusion
the mind had realized.
Tolerance was shattered, pride
had made its residence, and everything seemed blurred,
‘You’ and ‘I’ were different, individuals with
not even a single similarity to coincide.
This personality of us was never
visible to our eyes, but with time we could not even let it hide.
The game of love was over; the
patience within us had died,
It was now no us but just two
individuals burning in the flame of their own lust from life.
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