for the love of it

When I was in school I always used to think that college life would be magnificent and glorious; full of sunshine and even rain, like a blossoming flower, one with panache. Well then situations made me realize that to get this spectacular life I really needed to rub my ass off; get the best marks and outshine all others so that I could walk the flowery bed elegantly. Eventually I was a bit successful just a bit. And then the struggle started; “the admissions”. Let me make it very clear, that it is not an easy race and it is rat race and even a cat fight where we all aspiring students want the bigger piece of cake. But at last we settle with whatever we get just so that we can live this amazing life that we have all dreamt. But was all this struggle and hard work worth it? You must be thinking this right. And the answer is very simple.

IF YOU ARE IN DELHI UNIVERSITY AND SPECIALLY NORTH CAMPUS, THAT YEAH IT IS VERY MUCH WORTH IT; because these three years are going to be the fantastic three of your life. After all it’s “NORTH CAMPUS BABY”. And please don’t even think that I am exaggerating. It is among one of the most amazing places in Delhi. Student life can’t get better than this.

I know lot of questions surrounding you. But my next few lines are going to make you believe that it indeed is the best. I am a bit confused that from where I should start, like all of it is good. Okay, let’s start with the thing that which makes it the campus; the colleges. North campus comprises of the best colleges be it SRCC, Hindu, Hansraj or St. Stephens. And not only this, we have places for best masters also. So it is the place for best of education; the education hub. So when you enter the campus by exiting the metro station, yeah we have a metro station also and don’t even thing that it’s boring. It’s a place where people commuting sit or stand and talk and chit chat. You will definitely find a group of girls or boys or mixture of both giggling out and gossiping their college life, bitching about the teachers, teasing and just enjoying. And this just not happen outside the station but even inside where people just sit on floor or stairs and pour their heart out, well some find it the silent place to be with their lovers. How silent, even I don’t know. See our metro station is so interesting and now when I am gonna take you inside campus how will you not fall in love with it.
Take an e-rickshaw and you are on for a ride of your life. The first thing that makes you struck is the vibes; all those happy souls flowing around everywhere, laughing and cheering. Oh it makes you already so happy and positive. Well every college has its own specialty. If we walk to SRCC then I suppose they are so studious that their Xerox shop is just so famous!!! Jokes apart they have this heritage place called “Irfan”; a place where you can hangout. Hansraj has its lover point, but the most famous is “THE VIRGIN TREE” of Hindu college. It’s the place of love. Every Valentine’s Day these people select the most popular actress and worship her and dance like hell around that tree. Whatever it may sound like but it is fun because even if it’s chilly or raining or whatever, you will find people having going crazy on this day. And if you want to have a walk in the twilight, you are most welcomed to visit St. Stephens.

Are you already getting tired with this much? Because this is just the beginning. This was just colleges and their best. We have much much more. What’s this one thing that every single person in campus loves? Well the answer is very simple- MAGGIE MAGGIE MAGGIE. This one thing you will find in every corner and not just the simple masala Maggie but every variety of Maggie be it top uncle or tony uncle or arts fac wali Maggie. We serve all kinds everywhere, you just need to look and you will find us. Well Maggie is new but we also have the traditional bun makhan. And what is bun makhan without a hot cup of tea. Oh sorry glass of tea best served arts fac ke samne or law fac or JP tea stall. It’s the best taste; you can’t stop sipping it even if you are not a tea lover. Now let’s talk business. Like all this was college, the main heart of north campus “kamla nagar”. How can one forget that? You want shopping its kamla be it brands or street shopping, you want a café to sit and wonder or gossip and bitch its kamla, you want to eat its kamla- from the old school chole bhature(if its chacha ke chole bhature be ready for a long long wait) to the new look pasta you get it all. But that’s again not all. If you want the best of ambience with good music and the mouth watering delicacies than the zone is Hudson lane. You have the best cafes out here, where you can even go for a date. You want lights and rooftop we have woodbox café for you, you want the best of Chinese and Indian its QD’s baby, hangout place BYD or Taxi or riccos or YOLO, the tadka of traditional Indian- Indus flavor. And if you are looking for cheap parathas and paneer or rajma rice which we all living far off from home miss the most you are most invited to visit the DDA market; a place for all. So see we have the best of all.

I know you must be thinking that this is all just food joints and normal college stuff but excuse me I am not yet over. The most waited of all specially by the fucchas and seriously I am not at all hyping is the COLLEGE FEST SEASON. The most glamorous, star studded and full of paparazzi events. Be it the crossroads, Mecca or tempest, we love all of them. We literally sell passes in black, make the full use of jugaad to get it; it’s like beg borrow or steal. In this you get the best starry nights, fashion show, dance troops and how can I forget the jaan of our campus theater. Guys and girls looking their best; full of energy and high spirits. It’s a period which makes you feel so much younger and alive.

But it’s not like all we are all just fun and nothing, we have the most interesting melodrama also- the elections, when the whole university just shouts the name of the leader and the only discussion is who to vote. I would call it the fight of power; a time when the whole campus is in the fire and heat of debates and people emerging to show that they are the most suited candidate and they can only bring the change.

Well apart from all this fun, drama, glamour what I find the most amazing is walking down the lanes of campus. This is when you see yourself. You came to know yourself; your true self. You flow in the trance of the aura of campus; wide roads, silence, breeze and you. Some what you start defining yourself. You forget all your troubles and suddenly you are free of your complexity and you start breathing the freshness and you start living. And trust me a campus after rain is the most gorgeous place; washed down streets, smell of wet soil, smoke of teas and all that endless discussions with friends. You always remember and cherish them. Even the foggy campus makes you feel this.

For me campus is home, its memories; endless beautiful memories, its walking aimlessly, hanging out, doing all the crazy things that I couldn't even imagine(I think it brings it out), gossiping, giggling, laughing, running on the street, discussions with friends, fighting, eating and being young forever. And I hope whenever you visit this amazing place or get a chance to study here it will be the best part of your life.

And yeah this has been my most fantastical journey till now and I love it for all its ups and down because it gave me; me and campus.


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