this is how the story goes
We all travel in train. When the station is about to arrive
the attendant comes and starts wrapping up the sheets and blankets; it’s like a
signal that the journey reaching its destination and coming to an end. This
small ritual in the train made me realize something that even the journey of
life is same. We never pile on and at end we wrap up and move on. We all carry
our emotional baggage filled with our pain, sorrows, happiness, joys, memories
worth cherishing, and the experience worth reliving. But as our life is divided
into small spans or we can say intervals, we need to wrap all of this in our
body and soul and move towards the next destination. Like the ritual of train
goes on same way even the ritual of life. Whatever is happening and through
whatever situation we may be going, it will pack its self, clean the mess and
move away. Every sorrow, happiness, pain and feeling has and end but yeah they
can always be revived by visiting the gallery of its impressions. So live every
moment whether its success or failure, happiness or sorrow, gain or loss
because we don’t when the final destination arrives and we need to board a new
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